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Updates [Update] Central Market Updates [Modified: 12/19 (Wed) at 18:00]
Black Desert 2018-12-14 17:35

Hello, Adventurers!

This is The MMORPG, Black Desert.

The implemented integrated Marketplace system was added on the 11/7 (Wed) update.

This content is still in development and will most likely go through many changes.

We have decided to make an announcement with all the changes listed to make it easier for Adventurers to see the changes being made to the Marketplace. 

Please read below for all the information that is available to date.


■ Latest Patch Notes

● The renewed integrated Marketplace was added.

The previous Marketplace system required the buyer to know the select an item and its exact enhancement level to buy it from another adventurer that registers it in the Marketplace. Not only that, the prices on the Marketplace was limited. This led to certain items being over / underpriced.

We will be implementing the renewed integrated Marketplace system to improve on those points.

If we are to say the previous system allowed adventurers to trade directly with another adventurer, the new system allows adventurers to trade with the Marketplace instead. For example, you can now get silver for a number of items your selling from the Marketplace even if there isn’t a buyer right now.

The Marketplace will buy the items your selling and register it. Then the item will be sold if someone pre-ordered the item or buys the item at a later time. If an adventurer made a pre-order, the item will be first sold to the pre-order 100% of the time. This will remove the need to use inappropriate methods to buy items off the Marketplace.

Additionally, you can use the Marketplace Inventory to place silver and unstackable items to trade them in single stacks. This will make the Marketplace much more convenient to use.

- You must place items and silver in the Marketplace Inventory to use the renewed integrated Marketplace. The Marketplace Inventory can be opened by pressing the ‘Register Item’ button in the integrated Marketplace menu or the transaction maid/butler.

- Items placed in the Marketplace Inventory can be sold in any region. Additionally, you can also cancel or remove expired registrations through any Marketplace.

- Items that cannot be stacked can be stacked and sold in the Marketplace Inventory. (However, when the item is removed from the Marketplace Inventory, they will no longer be stacked.)

- The Marketplace will purchase a set total amount of items from an adventurer that registers them to sell. Then the Marketplace sells the items to the adventurer when another adventurer tries to buy the item at a later time.

- The maximum and minimum prices of an item changes depending on the adventurers trying to buy/sell the item during a set period of time.

So, if there are a lot of pre-orders being registered at a higher price for an item, than the selling price goes up. If there are a lot of pre-orders being registered at a lower price for an item, than the selling price does down.

This will allow items that were not properly priced before to reach its actual market value. 

(Still, you will need to register pre-orders with 0 available in the Marketplace at a higher price. However, you can register to buy an item at a lower price if the Marketplace holds the maximum amount of an item. If there are items simply available on the Marketplace, then the items can be sold/bought at their market price.)

- You will now be able to purchase weapons and armor in enhancement level groups (excluding certain items).




0 - +7

0 - +5

+8 - +10

 +6 - +9

+10 - +12

+10 - +12

e.g.) Adventurer ‘A’ sold a +8 Kzarka Longsword. It is in the +8~ +10 enhancement level group, so it will be registered as 1 Kzarka Longsword on the Marketplace for that enhancement level group. Now, Adventurer ‘B’ can choose to buy the Kzarka Longsword at +8, +9, +10. This means, even though A sold a ‘+8 Kzarka Longsword’, B is able to buy a +10 Kzarka Longsword. Of course,the final price will automatically be calculated to match the difference in enhancement levels. You’re able to see the final price when you buy the item.

- You’ll be able to collect 65% of your sales, which is the same as the old Marketplace. You’ll be able to collect 84.5% of your sales if you have an active Value Pack.

- The adventurer that registers their pre-order at the highest price gets priority when buying an item. If there are multiple adventurers that have registered at the same price, then it will be sold to the adventurer that registered earlier.

※ Different between the renewed integrated Marketplace and the old Marketplace


Integrated Marketplace

Previous Marketplace








Market Price

Price registered in the Marketplace


Market Price

Price allowed by the Marketplace

Registering Sales

(When the Marketplace is fully stocked)

Lower than the Market Price



(When the Marketplace has none in stock)

Higher than the Market Price

Register pre-order with prices set by adventurers

Purchasing Enhanced Items

Purchase items by selecting the enhancement level group

Can only purchase the specific item registered by adventurers

Stack items that cannot be stacked



● The Integrated Marketplace button was added to the ESC menu.

- You'll be able to use the items and silver in the Marketplace Inventory and the Integrated Marketplace (sell, buy, register sales, register pre-orders). 

● The category 'Fluctuating Prices' was added to the integrated Marketplace.

 * 'Fluctuating Prices'?

- Items with prices that a rising or falling quickly from their market price will be listed under this category.

● The following terms were changed in the integrated Marketplace. 

- Marketplace Weight → Unit

The Marketplace Inventory is limited by 'Units'.

* 'Units'?

It is a different type of capacity limit from 'weight' in storage and inventory. The Marketplace Inventory will be limited by stock.

* There are no slot limits in the Marketplace Inventory. However, each item will be worth a certain number of units. Once the maximum capacity is reached, items cannot be placed in the Marketplace Inventory. The maximum capacity is 5,000 units.

* Each unit will be worth the following number of units in the Marketplace Inventory. 

- Equipment 50

- Accessories 20

- Regular Items (Excluding materials) 1

- Materials 0.1

- Pearl Shop Items 0

e.g.) If you were to fill the Marketplace Inventory with only equipment, then you can place 100 pieces of equipment regardless of the number of slots they take up. 

If you were to fill the Marketplace Inventory with only materials, then you can place 5,000 materials regardless of the number of slots they take up.

● The weight icon in the integrated Marketplace has been replaced by the unit icon.

● The "Marketplace Inventory" is no longer limited by the number of slots.

- The Marketplace Inventory in the integrated Marketplace will be limited by "units".

● The color of the texts in the records that shows sold/purchased items in the  Marketplace Inventory were changed.

● Added a warning message to say that you are moving a dyed or Caphras Stone Enhanced item to the Marketplace Inventory.

● The enhancement level group of weapons and armor listed on the Central Market will be displayed in front of the item name.

● Only the prices that the item can be registered at for pre-order, sale, or listing will be displayed.

● ‘Standard Price’ in the list of pre-orders and sales was changed to ‘List Price’.

● World Alarm will be displayed when the following items are registered on the Central Market.

- An item that is not in stock.

- Yellow grade or higher item (excluding yellow grade items that were upgraded from green or blue grade)

- Pearl items

- Special items listed below

Special Items

Ship Registration : Epheria Frigate

Epheria Frigate : Enhanced Black Plating

Epheria Frigate : Ocean Dragon Prow

Ship Registration : Epheria Sailboat

Epheria Frigate : Zafina Cannon

Epheria Frigate : Streamlined Black Plating

Epheria Sailboat : Dragon Prow

Epheria Frigate : Black Breeze Sail

Epheria Frigate : Serena Cannon

Epheria Sailboat : Enhanced Black Plating

Epheria Sailboat : Sea Dragon Prow

Epheria Frigate : Nor'easter Sail

Epheria Sailboat : Elena Cannon

Epheria Sailboat : Lightweight Black Plating

Scale of an Ancient Creature

Epheria Sailboat : Black Breeze Sail

Epheria Sailboat : Elise Cannon

Ancient Seal - Red Piece

Epheria Frigate : Dragon Prow

Epheria Sailboat: Blue Wind Sail

Ancient Seal - Black Piece

● A notification will be displayed when an item registered in the Central Market gets sold.

● Items that were never trades on the Central Market will not be displayed on the market list.

● The amount of items able to be sold on the Central Market has been adjusted.

● The amount of items that can be registered and pre-ordered on the Central Market has been adjusted.

● The maximum price for certain items were adjusted.

● The autocomplete function was added to the search bar in the Central Market.

● The scroll bar in the Warehouse of the Central Market has been fixed.

● The search function in the Central Market has been improved.

- The item name will not be autocompleted in the search when entering a search, but it will display a list of item names that include the words will appear.

● If you fail to purchase or sell an item at standard price, an error message will be displayed informing that you have failed to purchase/sell the item at standard price.

● You will no longer receive multiple notifications when registering items. 

● A description of the Central Market was added to the left tab.

● Manage Warehouse button was added.

- When you have 0 silver in your Warehouse, a message will be displayed informing that you need silver in your Warehouse to make a purchase.

● Information about volume(VT) was added.

●The Sticker UI function and the remove question mark button was removed.

● If a pop-up window is open inside the Central Market, you will not be able to select other windows.

● Information about the calculation was added to the purchase window.

● A confirmation button was added when purchasing or selling items.

● The button to check the amount of silver in the Warehouse was relocated.

● Tooltips for items now contain information related to the Central Market.



■ Additional Updates

[12/19 (Wed) 19:00]

● If you fail to purchase or sell an item at standard price, an error message will be displayed informing that you have failed to purchase/sell the item at standard price.

● You will no longer receive multiple notifications when registering items. 

● A description of the Central Market was added to the left tab.

● Manage Warehouse button was added.

- When you have 0 silver in your Warehouse, a message will be displayed informing that you need silver in your Warehouse to make a purchase.

● Information about volume(VT) was added.

●The Sticker UI function and the remove question mark button was removed.

● If a pop-up window is open inside the Central Market, you will not be able to select other windows.

● Information about the calculation was added to the purchase window.

● A confirmation button was added when purchasing or selling items.

● The button to check the amount of silver in the Warehouse was relocated.

● Tooltips for items now contain information related to the Central Market.


[12/14 (Fri) 16:00]

● The search function in the Central Market has been improved.

- The item name will not be autocompleted in the search when entering a search, but it will display a list of item names that include the words will appear.


[12/12 (Wed) 14:30]

● The autocomplete function was added to the search bar in the Central Market.

● The scroll bar in the Warehouse of the Central Market has been fixed.


[12/1 (Sat) 14:30]

● World Alarm will be displayed when the following items are registered on the Central Market.

- An item that is not in stock.

- Yellow grade or higher item (excluding yellow grade items that were upgraded from green or blue grade)

- Pearl items

- Special items listed below

Special Items

Ship Registration : Epheria Frigate

Epheria Frigate : Enhanced Black Plating

Epheria Frigate : Ocean Dragon Prow

Ship Registration : Epheria Sailboat

Epheria Frigate : Zafina Cannon

Epheria Frigate : Streamlined Black Plating

Epheria Sailboat : Dragon Prow

Epheria Frigate : Black Breeze Sail

Epheria Frigate : Serena Cannon

Epheria Sailboat : Enhanced Black Plating

Epheria Sailboat : Sea Dragon Prow

Epheria Frigate : Nor'easter Sail

Epheria Sailboat : Elena Cannon

Epheria Sailboat : Lightweight Black Plating

Scale of an Ancient Creature

Epheria Sailboat : Black Breeze Sail

Epheria Sailboat : Elise Cannon

Ancient Seal - Red Piece

Epheria Frigate : Dragon Prow

Epheria Sailboat: Blue Wind Sail

Ancient Seal - Black Piece

● A notification will be displayed when an item registered in the Central Market gets sold.

● Items that were never trades on the Central Market will not be displayed on the market list.

● The amount of items able to be sold on the Central Market has been adjusted.

● The amount of items that can be registered and pre-ordered on the Central Market has been adjusted.

● The maximum price for certain items were adjusted.

[11/22(Thu) 14:30]

● The enhancement level group of weapons and armor listed on the Central Market will be displayed in front of the item name.

● Only the prices that the item can be registered at for pre-order, sale, or listing will be displayed.

● ‘Standard Price’ in the list of pre-orders and sales was changed to ‘List Price’.

[11/15(Thu) 17:30]

● Fixed the issue where the maximum number of units is showing up in the integrated Marketplace as 5.

● Fixed the issue where number of units in the integrated Marketplace is not showing in the item descriptions.

● Fixed the Marketplace Inventory to update the units when an item gets sold.

● The color of the texts in the records that shows sold/purchased items in the  Marketplace Inventory were changed.

● Added a warning message to say that you are moving a dyed or Caphras Stone Enhanced item to the Marketplace Inventory.


[11/14(Wed) 18:30]

● Fixed the issue where Units were being displayed as LT in the Integrated Marketplace.

● Fixed the issue where the Units were not being properly accounted for.

● Fixed the issue where the weight icon would be displayed instead of the Unit icon.

● Changed the Integrated Marketplace to recalculate Units when an item is sold.


[11/14(Wed) 17:00]

● The Integrated Marketplace button was added to the ESC menu.

- You'll be able to use the items and silver in the Marketplace Inventory and the Integrated Marketplace (sell, buy, register sales, register pre-orders). 

● The category 'Fluctuating Prices' was added to the integrated Marketplace.

 * 'Fluctuating Prices'?

- Items with prices that a rising or falling quickly from their market price will be listed under this category.

● The following terms were changed in the integrated Marketplace. 

- Marketplace Weight → Unit

The Marketplace Inventory is limited by 'Units'.

* 'Units'?

It is a different type of capacity limit from 'weight' in storage and inventory. The Marketplace Inventory will be limited by stock.

* There are no slot limits in the Marketplace Inventory. However, each item will be worth a certain number of units. Once the maximum capacity is reached, items cannot be placed in the Marketplace Inventory. The maximum capacity is 5,000 units.

* Each unit will be worth the following number of units in the Marketplace Inventory. 

- Equipment 50

- Accessories 20

- Regular Items (Excluding materials) 1

- Materials 0.1

- Pearl Shop Items 0

e.g.) If you were to fill the Marketplace Inventory with only equipment, then you can place 100 pieces of equipment regardless of the number of slots they take up. 

If you were to fill the Marketplace Inventory with only materials, then you can place 5,000 materials regardless of the number of slots they take up.

● The weight icon in the integrated Marketplace has been replaced by the unit icon.

● The "Marketplace Inventory" is no longer limited by the number of slots.

- The Marketplace Inventory in the integrated Marketplace will be limited by "units".


[11/9 (Fri) at 14:30]

● Fixed the issue where an error message would appear when trying to register items to sell or buy in bulk in the integrated Marketplace. 


■ Changes Made to the Patch Notes

[11/12 (Mon) at 18:00]

● Fixed some details presented in the table to make the explanations clearer.


Renewed Marketplace

Previous Marketplace








Higher than market price

Adventurer sets the price then registers


Enhanced Items

Items with enhancement level +0 - +15 can be bought at different levels

Can only buy items registered at the enhancement level adventurers register them with


Can only be bought at maximum price

Can be bought at the price the item is registered with

Register Sales



Stack items that cannot be stacked



Accessible from the web





Integrated Marketplace

Previous Marketplace








Market Price

Price registered in the Marketplace


Market Price

Price allowed by the Marketplace


(When the Marketplace has maximum number in stock)

Lower than the Market Price



(When the Marketplace has none in stock)

Higher than the Market Price

Register pre-order with prices set by adventurers

Purchasing Enhanced Items

Purchase items by selecting the enhancement level group

Can only purchase the specific item registered by adventurers

Stack items that cannot be stacked




※ Please Note ※

The renewed Marketplace is still in development, therefore, there may be constant changes and adjustments made to it. It may take some time before this content is implemented on the live servers.


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